HTML5 ‘type=search’ renders a nice search box and degrades to a
simple input in older browsers.
HTML5 ‘placeholder=text’ renders placeholder text into an input that
goes away when you click into it.
case; when ‘one’, ‘two’; to match ‘one’ or ‘two’ in a Ruby case
Rails hide_action :action_name in a controller will prevent the
action from being routed to.
jQuery “input” event gets fired when typing, pasting, cutting etc.
from an input field.
jQuery live != livequery plugin. Main difference is live can only
bind an event handler to the matching elements, livequery can run a
function every time another element matches.
grep -rl ‘structure_dump’ . to recursivly search through a folder
for the given string. mvim `grep..` to open them up.
alias ls=‘ls -GF’ so that ls is colored in all consoles.
nvarchar in
takes a limit from 0 to 4000 OR the keyword MAX. MAX != 4000, it is
actually much larger.
When using Rails and the JDBC adapter queries SQLServer for nvarchar
columns it gets the value back for limit, which when created with
MAX is much larger than a limit you can use. This comes up when
trying to create the database from schema.rb (testing).
Phocus gem to temporarily focus
some tests, ignoring all others, even across test classes.
Harmony provides a simple DSL to
execute javascript + DOM code within ruby.
Holy Grail execute
browser-less, console-based, javascript + DOM code right from within
your Rails test suite.
A couple of interesting resources for getting rid of
alias_method_chain in your code
here and
The basic idea in both of these is to create a module that
defines the method you want to chain and call super in your
redefinition. When you include the module into your class the
modules method is insterted right above the instance’s class in
the inheritance tree.
jQuery nextAll and
prevAll functions to get all
following/previous siblings of each element in the set of matched
cmd-shift-t reopens last closed tab in the web browser (chrome,
firefox, safari).
A selected like ‘input + label’ matches all the labels that are
directly beside an input. There is no way, with the same markup, to
target the inputs directly beside a label (‘input - label’ someday,
I love programming in Ruby. It’s amazing how powerful and expressive the
language can be. One of the best parts about Ruby is how easy it is to
whip up a DSL (Domain Specific Language) to help clean up you code and
hopefully make it more enjoyable (readable, understandable) to work
with. I recently had the chance to cleanup some messy, hard to
understand code with a really simple and easy to understand DSL and I
thought it might be useful to share the basics doing something like
What We’re Working With
For this example lets say you’re writing some code that builds an html
page. Lets say you have a class for each html element and a page is made
up of a heiarchy of these html elements. The code to build a simple page
might look something like this:
Okay, so you might not actually do something like this in reality but if
you did and you were defining a bunch of pages and wanted to adjust each
of them it would probably get confusing really fast. Even this simple
example is a little hard to read as is…the Input is in the Form? Oh ya,
it’s in the wrapper Div which is inside the Form. Confusing!
What will the DSL Look Like?
When I’m looking at some ugly code that I want to clean up I like to
step back a little and write some code the way I want it to look and
then work on making my DSL or whatever work towards that goal.
I would much rather be writing the stuff about in a way that looks
something like this:
To me something like that is a lot easier to follow, especially with
something hierarchical like html or xml.
So that’s all well and good, but this looks pretty different than the
code we had earlier, it might be a lot of work to build something to do
this. Is it really work all that effort just so our code looks a little
better? In all honesty it depends on the situation. If you have code
like this on one little spot it might not be worth the effort. But
writting a lot of unclear code all over the place then replacing it with
a readable DSL will gain you many High Fives from future developers.
Besides, it really isn’t that much work and DSLs are too cool to pass
up, so lets get to it.
Building the DSL
Lets start out with something simple that will just define and return a
couple of our elements.
This little bit of code gives us the main structure of our DSL. It
doesn’t quit work yet since there’s no way to set the parent attribute
on each of the elements. Lets take care of that.
Okay, wo what I’m doing here is just keeping track of whatever the
current container element is and setting it to @current so that the
elements being defined within the block can set it’s parent attribute.
Lets take a look at what using our DSL might look like so far:
So I moved the page method outside of our DSL class and made it create
an instance of HTMLPageDSL. We then call instance_eval giving the
HTMLPageDSL object the block to evaluate.
The last thing I want to do is add a bit of syntax magic so we don’t
have to type quite as much. At the moment we’re passing all the
attributes as a hash, but in my initial example I could pass some
options directly, without a hash.
First we add the following methods to HTMLPageDSL
classHTMLPageDSLprivatedefsetup_options(args,keys,current=nil)options=extract_options!(args)keys.each_with_indexdo|k,index|options.merge!(k.to_sym=>args[index])ifargs[index]endcurrent?{:parent=>current}.merge(options):optionsend# From Rails ActiveSupportdefextract_options!(args)args.last.is_a?(::Hash)?args.pop:{}endend
After that we can use it in our DSL methods to let us pass array
arguments or a hash to the method call.
And that’s it. Now we can pass the type as the first argument to the
call to input and any other options as a hash, or everything as a hash
if we want.
So there we have it, a nice simple example of creating a DSL. This
example isn’t perfect, that’s for sure, but it does show how to get
started and how simple it can be.
Full Example Code:
defpage(&block)*args,&block)options=setup_options(args,%w(action),@current)>@current))@current=formyield@current=lastenddefdiv(options,&block)>@current))@current=divyield@current=lastenddefinput(*args)options=setup_options(args,%w(type),@current)>@current))enddeflabel(*args)options=setup_options(args,%w(text),@current)>@current))endprivatedefsetup_options(args,keys,current=nil)options=extract_options!(args)keys.each_with_indexdo|k,index|options.merge!(k.to_sym=>args[index])ifargs[index]endcurrent?{:parent=>current}.merge(options):optionsend# From Rails ActiveSupportdefextract_options!(args)args.last.is_a?(::Hash)?args.pop:{}endend# These classes added for completness so the example will runclassHTMLPageattr_accessor:childrendefinitialize@children=[]endendclassHTMLElementdefinitialize(options={})@options=optionsoptions[:parent].children<<selfifoptions[:parent]endendclassFormElement<HTMLElementattr_accessor:childrendefinitialize(options={})@children=[]superendendclassDivElement<HTMLElementattr_accessor:childrendefinitialize(options={})@children=[]superendendclassInputElement<HTMLElement;endclassLabelElement<HTMLElement;end# Example Usagep=pagedoform"/user/new",:id=>"new-user"dodiv:class=>"wrapper"dolabel"Name"input"text",:name=>"name"endinput"submit",:text=>"Save"endend
If, for whatever reason, your Win XP install doesn’t show Remote
Desktop in the start menu running ‘mstsc’ will start it up.
you couldn’t access the raw response from HTTParty. This can be
confusing but most of the data can be found using proxied methods on
the HTTParty::Response (code, headers, body, message).
Two very cool gems for simplifying html forms in rails:
simple_form and
formtastic. I’m using
simple_form in a project right now and loving it.
rr seems to have a problem with
mocked class methods sticking around between test calls. Issue
Rails 3 respond_with helps clean up controllers by packaging up the
standard respond_to cases for html, json, xml etc into one method.
It’s also very extendable (responders
gem has some nice
Getting devise to
authenticate by email or login is less trickier than it seems. Matt
has a nice little post on how to do it. The key is remembering to
change your initializer to have ‘config.authorization_keys :login’
in it.
Well, after a couple years of using Textmate (and liking it for the most
part) I’ve decided to change editors and have happily been using VIM for
the last couple weeks. Why VIM? Nothing in particular stands out really.
One of my co-workers is a big fan of it, I have to use it once and
awhile when on the servers and emacs seemed to be a big pain in the ass
Here’s a few of the plugins I’ve installed that helped make me feel more
at home in VIM:
This plugin gives you a project tree that you can use to navigate your
project tree. I also mapped the ` key to toggle the tree making it
super easy to open and close.
fuzzy finder and
fuzzy finder textmate
These two plugins give the same functionality as cmd-t in Textmate,
letting you quickly open files in the project. I mapped this to ,+t and
,+r to refresh the list.
rails vim
This gives a while pile of shortcuts and helpers for working with rails.
Just like it sounds, this plugin gives you snippets much like Textmate
has. Put that together with the
snippets from
scrooloose (Martin Grenfell) and we have access to lots of cool
These are the main plugins I added. I also included a shortcut to use
ACK for search and a number of other little scripts and shortcuts to
make myself more productive. I’ve got the whole set of config
files up on github so you can use it,
fork it, change it all you want.
ctrl+_ to complete html tag (with closetag plugin)
ctrl+w+_ to maximize splits vertically
ctrl+w+| to maximize splits horizontally
ctrl+w+= to equalize splits
after_initialize in a ruby model if you want something to happen
when both new or create are called
instance_eval can be given a block. This is really powerful if you
want to whip up a quick DSL to clean up some code (highly
Devise authentication plugin dropped support for MongoMapper until
it conforms to ActiveModel (MongoMapper is in turn waiting until
Rails 3 is final before making this change)
if you leave search blank it uses your previous search
g modifier for global search, c to confirm each replacement
(very useful!)
autotest doesn’t run in ruby 1.9.1
It fails for me saying “set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break
to debug” and that’s about all
ruby -e “code to run”
assert_select(‘input’, 0) doesn’t work, need to use (assert_select
‘input’, :count=>0)
This is confusing since assert_select(‘input’, 5) works just
That’s it for this week. If I find some time I’ll post my vim config and
talk about that a bit and maybe discuss what I did about autotest not