Learnings for Week 23 2010
- Recently needed to ignore some files that were already being tracked
by git. This
helped me out.
- git update-index —assume-unchanged config/database.yml
- HTML5 ‘type=search’ renders a nice search box and degrades to a
simple input in older browsers.
- HTML5 ‘placeholder=text’ renders placeholder text into an input that
goes away when you click into it.
- case; when ‘one’, ‘two’; to match ‘one’ or ‘two’ in a Ruby case
- Rails hide_action :action_name in a controller will prevent the
action from being routed to.
- jQuery “input” event gets fired when typing, pasting, cutting etc.
from an input field.
- jQuery live != livequery plugin. Main difference is live can only
bind an event handler to the matching elements, livequery can run a
function every time another element matches.
- http://www.quickdiff.com super easy online tool to diff text.
Posted June 23, 2010
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