Learnings for Week 20 2010
- If, for whatever reason, your Win XP install doesn’t show Remote
Desktop in the start menu running ‘mstsc’ will start it up.
- Until
you couldn’t access the raw response from HTTParty. This can be
confusing but most of the data can be found using proxied methods on
the HTTParty::Response (code, headers, body, message).
- Two very cool gems for simplifying html forms in rails:
simple_form and
formtastic. I’m using
simple_form in a project right now and loving it.
- rr seems to have a problem with
mocked class methods sticking around between test calls. Issue
- Rails 3 respond_with helps clean up controllers by packaging up the
standard respond_to cases for html, json, xml etc into one method.
It’s also very extendable (responders
gem has some nice
- Getting devise to
authenticate by email or login is less trickier than it seems. Matt
has a nice little post on how to do it. The key is remembering to
change your initializer to have ‘config.authorization_keys :login’
in it.
Posted May 26, 2010
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