Learnings for Week 17 2010
Learnings for the past week.
- vim (I made the switch this week!)
- ctrl+v to enter visual mode (useful for block comments)
- :sp to split a window
- :vsp for vertical split
- :A for alternate file (rails plugin)
- snipmate for awesome snippets (plugin, snippets)
- * searches for current word
- :%s/search/replace/modifiers
- if you leave search blank it uses your previous search
- g modifier for global search, c to confirm each replacement (very useful!)
- autotest doesn’t run in ruby 1.9.1
- It fails for me saying “set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug” and that’s about all
- ruby -e “code to run”
- assert_select(‘input’, 0) doesn’t work, need to use (assert_select
‘input’, :count=>0)
- This is confusing since assert_select(‘input’, 5) works just fine
That’s it for this week. If I find some time I’ll post my vim config and talk about that a bit and maybe discuss what I did about autotest not working.
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