Learnings for Week 16 2010
Learnings for the past week. It was a busy one.
- rvm uninstall leaves build files
- rvm remove gets rid of everything
- Firefox on Ubuntu gets thin black borders around images that are
resized in html/css
- Adding some transparency to the edges of the images fixes
- rails i18n translation keys can’t have ‘.’ in them, even if escaped
- -webkit-user-select/-moz-user-select:none; to disable selection on a webpage
- Webkit doesn’t allow keyboard entry to 0 height inputs
- Firefox and Webkit don’t allow keyboard entry to invisible inputs (display:none)
- jQuery fadeOut doesn’t work on some (circle, line) svg elements in Webkit
- jQuery.keypad on multiple inputs should check if the keyboard target is changing before updating the keypad (huge performance gains)
- git cherry lists commits that don’t exist in another branch. Compares the changeset, not commit ids
- gem install -f will install gem even if dependencies can’t be met
- apt-get build-dep ruby1.8 will get you all the ruby build dependencies
- git checkout -t -b BRANCH origin/BRANCH will checkout and track a remote branch
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