A couple weeks ago I heard about an event called Startup Boot
Camp that is
happening in Ottawa October 23-25th. The idea is to bring together a
number of startup minded individuals and form teams around startup
ideas. You then take the weekend to work on the idea and at the end the
best one gets a prize to be used to incorporate the business. Here is an
excerpt from the blog post announcing the
The event will place 75-100 people into functional business teams
around ideas for businesses. The participants, composed of developers,
business managers, start-up enthusiasts, marketing gurus, accountants,
lawyers, graphic artists and other roles will work together during the
week end. At the end of 54 hours, they will have turned a business
idea into a business plan ready to start on the Monday. A review panel
at the end of Sunday’s presentation’s will determine which of the
opportunities is the best developed and award a prize of $5,000 as the
first seed money to start the business (e.g. incorporation costs,
start a website, etc.). Similar networking events have evolved very
successfully in other parts of North America with this one being the
first in Ottawa.
I’ve just signed up and anyone else who might be interested should do
the same. Even if you don’t win
the prize and land your dream
job it should be a
great opportunity to meet with like minded individuals and have some
As I said in an earlier
post I’ve been working on
learning Objective-C, more specifically, programming for the iPhone.
Well, I just finished off my latest Stanford iPhone assignment, Presence
A couple of very key concepts were introduced for this assignment
including threading, modal views and text input.
Threading is one of the most important things to learn when doing iPhone
programming. For this assignment the main idea was to have any network
requests (loading any of the Twitter data) happen in another thread with
a spinner showing that something is happening. There are a number of
ways to move tasks off the main thread in Objective-C that abstract
things away from using threads directly.
So far I have found using NSOperations to be the easiest way to deal
with threads. One way to create an NSOperation is by creating a subclass
and using an instance of that object in your code. My image loading
operation for Presence 3 is below.
To create an NSOperation subclass the first thing you need to do is
override the main method, that’s where the bulk of your code for the
background thread will go. Once the work you need to do is finished you
need to send the results back to the main thread with the method
‘performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:’ passing the
result and a boolean to say whether this thread should block until the
selector is performed.
Now that we have an operation defined we need to create an instance and
use it. It’s pretty much the same as using any other object, the only
difference is that you need to add the operation to an operation queue
and it deals with scheduling and all that.
Everything here is pretty straight forward, you create an operations
queue (which can be used for many different types of operations) and
then add the operation instance to the queue to be executed.
Another way to use operations for threading is by using the
NSInvocationOperation class. It’s a implementation of NSOperation that
you can use instead of having to subclass it yourself. All you have to
do is remember to call
‘performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:’ in the method
given as the selector parameter.
Modal Views are fairly common on the iPhone, it’s a view that can be
popped up in the stack and has to be dismissed before getting back to
any previous interactions. Think of when you’re composing an email or
adding a contact; the view that shows when doing those actions is
presented modally.
Any view controller (or navigation controller since it’s a subclass) can
be presented modally with one simple method call.
This will show the ‘composeView’ which has to be dismissed before the
user can continue whatever they were previously doing. Dismissing the
view is best done by delegating back to the view or controller that
presented it.
When the composeView was created I set the creator as the delegate, then
when the cancel button is pressed I can tell the delegate that the
composeView is finished and it can decide to dismiss the view or do
something else. One simple method call in the delegate dismisses the
modal view.
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Text Input
Handling text input is incredibly easy since the iPhone handles most of
the annoying work for you. You don’t have to worry about calling up the
keyboard or anything like that, when a keyboard is needed the framework
knows and displays it for you. There’s a lot of customization that you
can do through Interface Builder or code, all of which is pretty
straight forward.
If you do need to interact with what’s happening with the keyboard there
are some optional delegate methods that you can implement. Just set a
class as the inputs’ delegate and implement the methods you want.
This first method gives you a bunch of information about the current
keyboard interaction, like what string is going to be added and where in
the range of the string it’s going to be placed. This lets you filter
out characters or modify what is happening with the input. A boolean is
returned to say when the input should take place or not. In my case I
wanted to enable or disable another button depending on how much text
was going to be in the input. By using the
‘stringByReplacingCharactersInRange’ method on the current input text
and the string that was being passed in the resulting text length can be
found. Thanks to Ben Lachman who helped me out with
This next method lets you decide what should happen when return (or
send, or go) is pressed. You can call other methods here and return a
boolean saying whether the keyboard should return or not. Notice that I
am letting the delegate decide what to do with the result.
Well, there was a lot going on in this version of Presence but hopefully
I didn’t cut things down too much in this blog post. The most
interesting bit is the threading, it’s also the most useful. If you want
some more details just let me know or take a look at my version of
Presence 3 yourself.
Well, I have recently found myself without a job so am in the processes
of looking for something. I thought this might be a good opportunity to
think about what I really want from a job / employer so that I can try
and find something that I’ll really enjoy. You end up spending most of
your waking life at work so you might as well enjoy it, right? I’ve
decided to put this up on my blog just in case the perfect employer
happens to stumble by :). Here it goes.
Working with Technologies I Love
This is number one on my list. I want to work with technology that I
love, something that I find really interesting and cutting edge. I love
programming Ruby. It is by far the most enjoyable programming language I
have ever worked with. That being said, I’ve started learning some
Objective-C and iPhone programming and though the language isn’t as nice
as Ruby, there’s something about programming a device that has a GPS,
camera, phone and so many other goodies that is so very cool.
Working with Smart, Fun People
This isn’t really second, more like equal to the first point. I want to
work somewhere that I will continually be learning from the people
around me. Smart might not be the only word to describe these people;
innovative, motivated, creative coworkers who will help me improve and
grow my skill set is a must. At the same time I want to be able to joke
around, have them over for BBQs and have fun with my coworkers.
Develop an Amazing Product
I want to work on something that I think is amazing, something that I’ll
go home and talk to my wife about, think about and work on whenever I
can. Difficult, engaging problems that will require me to think and come
up with interesting solutions are what I’m looking for. I want to make a
real contribution to the product, add new and interesting features and
continually improve the user experience.
Living here in the Great White North it would be nice to work somewhere
that has a somewhat flexible schedule. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to
open up the laptop at home than braving the partially plowed streets and
icy roads.
Open Source Aware
Actually, not just aware of and using Open Source technologies, I want
to work somewhere that they actively contribute back to the Open Source
community. Somewhere that they encourage their developers to spend a
little bit of time working on and creating new Open Source projects.
I’ve made a few Open Source contributions that you can see on my GitHub
Profile but I would really like to do a lot
Local (or Telecommute)
Though it does get cold here, my wife and I love where we live and
having our family close by. We have no real interest in packing
everything up and moving. I’m looking for something in the Ottawa area,
or someone who is willing to have an employee work remotely.
Well, that’s basically it, hopefully this perfect position exists. If
this sounds a lot like your business please check out my
Resume and get in touch.
For the past couple weeks a few of us at work have gotten into watching
screen casts while having our lunch. There have been a variety of topics
so far include one on
and another on HTML5. Most of the time
though it’s been some sort of
iPhoneprogramming screen cast, the
staple being the Stanford iPhone Application
Not only is this a lot of fun (yes, I am a big nerd and think a video on
HTML5 is fun) but I find that learning a new programming
language/framework/etc really helps with your day to day work. Every
programming language does things a little differently. When you embrace
the methodologies of a new language it can open your eyes to different
ways of looking at the programming problems you might face, no matter
what technologies you’re using.
On top of just watching the Stanford lectures they have all the notes
and assignments
online so we’ve
been working away at those in the evenings. I’ve started posting my
solutions to GitHub and will continue to update them as we progress.
HelloPoly and Presence
2 are completed so far, check
them out if you’re interested.
If you are interesting in programming for the iPhone or just want to try
something new I’d defiantly recommend the Stanford iPhone
lectures. The
final version of the Presence assignment ends up being a full blown
Twitter client with threading, contacts integration, search and much
Take the initiative and have your own Lunch and Learns.
I don’t have to do this often but every time I need to scp something up
to an EC2 server I forget the options and have to waste 10 minutes
finding it. Here it is so I don’t need to look for it anymore.
I've only been working in the tech industry for a couple years now and
I'm starting to notice that people (and companies) have a very difficult
time saying "I don't know" (or "no", "we can't", etc).
Why is this? There's nothing wrong with not knowing something, as long
as you have the skills and abilities to figure it out.
I was at a local BarCamp meetup a little while back and one the people
there was talking about finding jobs. At one point he said to never say
you can't do something in a job interview or else you wont get the job.
I was baffled. If you can't do something, why would you say you can?
At some point the truth is going to come out anyways. Is this really
what it's come down to? A better question, do managers expect this when
doing interviews? Do they expect people to say they can do anything
even though they can't? I really don't know, but this kind of scares
I have a couple friends from Europe and they're just as confused by this
behavior as I am. Apparently they don't have a problem with this, if
you have something on your resume you bloody well know how to do it, if
you can't do something they expect you to say so.
And really, what is the problem with hiring someone that might not know
every detail of everything the position requires? If I were hiring
someone I'd mainly be interested in their general problem solving and
critical thinking skills. Sure, you would need to have the basic skills
for the job, but as long as it's obvious that you're smart and
interesting in learning what you don't know what's the difference? I'll
take that over someone who doesn't care about the job and is just there
for a paycheck any day.
What have your experiences been, have you noticed the same things? Do
you say "I don't know" enough? Leave it in the
comments. "We need to accept our ignorance and say 'I
don't know' more often" - Malcolm Gladwell, Blink
I've always been a big fan of including tests for any of the code I
write. It was beaten into us in university, made sense when using
JUnit and made easy in ruby with
Sometimes I still get annoyed when writing tests though. I've been
thinking about testing a little more than usual the last couple of
weeks, mostly about what bothers me when writings tests. I hate writing
brittle tests. I do my best to avoid this, but sometimes in a large
project when you're trying to test everything it becomes difficult. The
other thing I really hate is trying to test everything. I know, I know,
code coverage
is a good thing, but what good does 100% code coverage do your customers
or users? Does it make the app suck less? Well, I suppose it could,
but isn't it possible that 95% or even 80% coverage would be just as
good (for the users), depending on what was tested? I'd say it's very
To get around my first annoyance, the brittle tests, I've started
creating the objects that I need in the test itself instead of using
fixtures (this is rails). This
lets me build up the objects for my test without worrying that adding
another fixture will break existing tests. This works alright for unit
tests and smaller scenarios, but creates a bunch of duplicate code when
a number of tests use objects that are setup in a similar manner
(refactoring the setup into methods helps with this, but the tests get
confusing as you need to jump around methods).
Next problem, I want to write tests for things that need to be tested,
not some far off situation that I think could happen. In Jamis Bucks
talk at RubyConf,
from Enterprise, he said that you should "code just in time, not
just in case…there's no excuse to sit and play what if games". I
feel exactly the same way. Now, I've been thinking over this for a
couple days, doing some reading and whatnot and have decided (hope!)
that RSpec will be my savior. From the
rspec.info site, "Rspec is a
Behavior Driven Development
framework for Ruby". The way it works is you write
'specifications' (specs) that define how the system should behave. By
writing he specs first and then writing the implementation methods
afterward you are building, and testing, the system as it should behave;
you're not testing arbitrary situations that probably wont occur.
Writing tests first and implementation code afterwords also has a neat
catch phrase, Test Driven Development
RSpec allows you to nest scenarios as well which helps me with the first
problem I was having as I could build up the context of the test suite
as I went, reusing the earlier setup if I wanted.
So far I've done a lot of reading and have written a few specs, but
really haven't scratched the surface of what RSpec has to offer. I'm
not sure if this will solve all my testing woes, but it's defiantly
making me think and test a bit differently, which I like.
I'm really looking forward to leaving tomorrow afternoon for Orlando
Florida to attend RubyConf 2008, it
should be a blast. The hotel looks amazing, the weather is going to be
great, what more can you ask for? Oh ya, there is more, some great
talks and presentations from Rubyists around the world!
There are a number of interesting presentations, but a a couple of them
really stand out. One presentation that I'm really looking forward to
is 'Recovering from Enterprise:
how to embrace Ruby's idioms and say goodbye to bad habits' by Jamis
Buck of 37signals. I really respect
the guys at 37, they have a no bullshit way of saying things that
just make sense,
I like that. Jamis is also a long time Rubyist and has given so much to
the community with the projects he's worked on (capistrano, sqllite ruby
bindings), and has been teasing us with
blog posts related to his presentation.
I'm also interested in the talk Scott Chacon is giving,
'Using Git in Ruby
Applications' mainly because I find
Git to be
such an in interesting source control system (and maybe I can pull some
of my co-workers along so Scott can infect them with the Git as well).
It sounds like Scott is going to be getting into some very interesting
things with his presentation as well, such as using git as the backend
for a ruby based wiki or file backup system. Cool stuff.
Anyways, that's just a short run down on some of the great presentations
that are going to be happening this weekend. There will also be
appearances by Matz (the creator of Ruby) and Dave Thomas (Pragmatic
Programmers), both are likely to have something interesting to say.
When Facebook released their
application platform
year it was revolutionary and a slew of businesses popped up out of
nowhere. A number of these business got huge valuations and
funding, some even made some money. But now that the dust has
settled from the landgrab and the competitors have caught up with their
own offerings (with a
degree of success) what's next for the app platform? Well, from
where I sit, it looks like it's being retired.
The 'beta' features such as the
Storage apis have had almost no movement in over a year, the api
itself hasn't had any drastic changes (except for the ones do to the new
layout) in months, what's been going on? It used to be that notices
would be posted on a weekly basis about updates and new features, now
there's nothing. The chatter around the Facebook platform is dying down
to a dull hum.
Applications are pushed out of the main page, multiple clicks away, the
directory is bloated with thousands and thousands of pointless
applications, how are you supposed to make a mark? Facebook started out
with an 'anything goes' policy for applications, when things started
turning into a blue and white version of Myspace they realized their
mistakes and clamped down on the restrictions making it impossible for
new applications to break in.
Facebooks Solution: Facebook Connect
seems to be the solution to the broken application platform. Instead of
embedding your application into Facebook you can now have users login
through your website to Facebook and allow your application to access
their data. So basically all their doing is Single Sign On and a
standard api to access the users data. What's revolutionary about
this? Nothing. That
billion dollar valuation is seeming more ridiculous every day.
This doesn't mean Facebook applications are totally useless now, it just
means there aren't going to be any business built solely on a Facebook
app anymore. Since the spotlights moved on, Facebook needs to work at
becoming cash flow positive to make keep things rolling, unless they
they can build another
Machine to bring back the interest.