Learnings for Week 27 2010
Late again, I know, but here’s my learnings from a couple weeks ago.
- If you need to use the Rails url helpers within a model or even script/console you just need these two lines:
include ActionController::UrlWriter
default_url_options[:host] = DEFAULT_HOST
- Alternatively within script/console you can use the “‘app’ or ‘helper’ variables to interact with the application”:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151030/how-do-i-call-controller-view-methods-from-the-console-in-rails
app.get '/'
If you want some piece of code to run after each request you can use a ‘config.to_prepare’ block. This might be useful if you have classes reloading in development and want to set settings after they have reloaded.
Git can sometimes consider text files to be binary if they have Null characters at the end. You can still diff these files with this command:
git diff -a
- Super cool OS X soft phone Telephone
- Facebook applications must be created on a Personal Account, they can not be created with a Business Account.
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