Releasing a Gem with Gemcutter

The other day Jon Maddox sent me a message on Github to see if I was thinking of putting my gem tmdb_party up on Gemcutter, the new RubyGem host on the block. At the time I hadn’t really thought much about doing this thought what the heck? It didn’t seem like it was too difficult so I thought I’d put it to the test around midnight on a Saturday night.

Well, I have got to say, this was probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I was going into this thinking it wouldn’t be too difficult but I was still impressed with how it went.

  1. The first step is to sign up for a Gemcutter account right here which takes about 10 seconds.
  2. The next step is to update your Jeweler Rakefile to add the Gemcutter task. I’ve included a sample of what my Rakefile looks like below.
    !include tomd-include-0.txt
  3. Now all you need to do is push your gem the new task and provide your Gemcutter credentials
    !include tomd-include-1.txt

That’s it, now my tmdb_party gem is up on Gemcutter. On a side note, if you’re not using Jeweler to manage and release your gems you really should, it makes releasing a gem incredibly simple.

Now go put your gems up on Gemcutter!

Jon just reminded me that if you don’t want to add the Jeweler task it’s still just one simple command to release your gem:

gem push pkg/tmdb_party_0.4.0.gem

Boom! Released! Thanks for the reminder Jon!</i>

Posted October 17, 2009


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