Make It Suck Less

That's what I'm asking myself before I do anything these days.  Is what I am doing making it suck less?  Am I making it suck more?  Why am I doing it then?  I'm doing this before I write code or before changing something around the house; before doing anything.

I'm starting to find that most people, myself included, get caught up in what they're doing, what they're trying to achieve, and it distracts them.  Most people think what they're doing is great, the best, and that they must be doing it right.  If you always think what you're doing is already the perfect solution, can you really make something great?  If you're only focused on where you want to be instead of watching the road ahead of you are you going to miss the potholes along the way?

This is why I assume it sucks.  It must suck, or else why would I be writing this code?  Or why would I be taking that woodchip path out of my backyard?  Because it sucks.  The process we're using sucks, so I'm writing some code to fix it.  It sucks raking leaves and pulling up half the path at the same time so I'm putting in stepping stones.

Make it Suck Less.

Don't try and take the gold right away, you need to work up to it.  You'll just hurt yourself reaching for something that you can't get to yet.  So work up to it, little bits at a time.  Make sure what you're doing is getting there.  Make sure you're solving the problem at hand.  Make it suck less to do something.

Posted September 24, 2008


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