Learnings for Week 18 2010

Learnings for the past week.

  • more vim fun
    • zf5j to fold the next 5 lines
    • zo to open a fold
    • zc to close a fold
    • c in visual block to substitute
    • ctrl+_ to complete html tag (with closetag plugin)
    • ctrl+w+_ to maximize splits vertically
    • ctrl+w+| to maximize splits horizontally
    • ctrl+w+= to equalize splits
  • after_initialize in a ruby model if you want something to happen when both new or create are called
  • instance_eval can be given a block. This is really powerful if you want to whip up a quick DSL to clean up some code (highly recommended).
  • Devise authentication plugin dropped support for MongoMapper until it conforms to ActiveModel (MongoMapper is in turn waiting until Rails 3 is final before making this change)
Posted May 12, 2010


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