Leaving for RubyConf 2008 Tomorrow

I'm really looking forward to leaving tomorrow afternoon for Orlando Florida to attend RubyConf 2008, it should be a blast.  The hotel looks amazing, the weather is going to be great, what more can you ask for?  Oh ya, there is more, some great talks and presentations from Rubyists around the world!

There are a number of interesting presentations, but a a couple of them really stand out.  One presentation that I'm really looking forward to is 'Recovering from Enterprise: how to embrace Ruby's idioms and say goodbye to bad habits' by Jamis Buck of 37signals.  I really respect the guys at 37, they have a no bullshit way of saying things that just make sense, I like that.  Jamis is also a long time Rubyist and has given so much to the community with the projects he's worked on (capistrano, sqllite ruby bindings), and has been teasing us with interesting blog posts related to his presentation.

I'm also interested in the talk Scott Chacon is giving, 'Using Git in Ruby Applications' mainly because I find Git to be such an in interesting source control system (and maybe I can pull some of my co-workers along so Scott can infect them with the Git as well).  It sounds like Scott is going to be getting into some very interesting things with his presentation as well, such as using git as the backend for a ruby based wiki or file backup system.  Cool stuff.

On Friday I'm probably going to try and catch Yehuda Katz presentation, 'Writing Code That Doesn't Suck: Interface P=Oriented Design' since, if you've read any of my other blog posts, I really like to do as much as possible to make things suck less.  I'm not all that interested in Merb though so I may wander over to 'Ruby Heavy-Lifting: Lazy load it, Event it, Defer it, and then Optimize it.' by Ilya Griorik and see what he has to say beacause, really, can you every know enough about making you code and application run faster?  Didn't think so.

Anyways, that's just a short run down on some of the great presentations that are going to be happening this weekend.  There will also be appearances by Matz (the creator of Ruby) and Dave Thomas (Pragmatic Programmers), both are likely to have something interesting to say.

See you in Orlando!

Posted November 04, 2008


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