Making Input Fields Suck Less

I subscribed to the blog Usability Post last week and have already come to love it.  There's a pile of content on this site, all geared towards making your products more user friendly.  There's everything you can think of here, from general ideas on using categories vs tags, to specific hints or tricks like how to automatically select and input field on page load.

One particular article was published last week that caught my eye on how to remove the OS X glowing blue outline for custom styled input fields.  This tip is great.  It's simple, it doesn't change the world, it doesn't disrupt anything, but it makes your app suck a whole lot less for the end user.

Check out the post, subscribe to the blog and start using these ideas to make your applications suck less, because really, who likes a sucky app?

Posted October 21, 2008


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